Wednesday 15 January 2014

ReFa CARAT Platinum electronic roller L1706

・No Gel required
・Completely water proof
・Portable and cordless
・No battery required

I would like to introduce really cool beauty tool called "Refa Carat Roller"  to who wants to have tighten skin. This is one of the most popular beauty tool in Japan and the Refa Carat roller is a massage roller for the face and body toning. Massaging with ReFa Carat gets rid of swelling and cellulite which drain lymph and gives you a healthy, beautiful skin.

Does ReFa Carat roller L1706 really work? 
--- Yes, it really does work amazingly! 

This is from my experience, My husband and 12year-old son noticed the difference right away. They said I look lot younger and my body is lot slimmer! 

What does ReFa Carat L1706 do?

ReFa Carat effectively stimulates your skin, toning and lifting facial muscles. Also works for tightening and slimming body.
  •  Lifts up your face
  • Soothes back of the neck and stiff shoulders.
  • Soothes swelling

How does ReFa Carat work?

ReFa Carat get light from the solar panel on the handle and then makes Micro electric current which makes your skin smooth, lustraous, taut and beautiful to create micro-contractions.

Where can I get ReFa Carat?

You can purchase from MTG Platinum electronic roller Re Fa CARAT PEC-L1706MTG store at amazon. Me, myself actually bought this roller directory from official Japanese online store.  I wanted to get 100% authentic one with serial number. I strongly recommend to make sure if the product you will buy has a factory serial number or not when you buy it in U.S. I've heard that there are already fake ones are going around on market. Oh, luckily, I got a good deal on the price due to U.S dollar was weaker than Japanese yen at that time. :)  You might get lucky too if you buy directly from Japan.

Would like to check the official web-store? Just click the pic and you will be there!


Again, ReFa Carat from Japan is a great beauty tool and I love it!!